Can I provide my own design?
Definitely! As long as it conforms to our design specs. Our signs are 32”x24” with high-resolution graphics.
Are street-signs legal?
Yes, absolutely! The city has guidelines and by-laws pertaining to the installation and maintenance of street sign advertising, and we are always careful to stay on-side with these regulations.
How fast can I get my signs?
From the time you contact us we can typically have you signs up in 7-10 days provided that the design is approved promptly.
Can I change my signs periodically?
Yes. You can change your signs as often as you like. We charge $50.00/sign for the switch plus design and print costs.
Can I take my signs down in my business’s off-season?
Yes. We can take your signs down seasonally and resume the campaign whenever you are ready. We will hold onto the signs for up to 6 months.
Can I choose my own locations?
You can to an extent. In the planning stage we will consult with you on where you want to put your signs and let you know what roadways in your desired areas work within city bylaws. The easiest rule of thumb is that if you see other similar signs on the desired roadway it is likely permissible.
Do you have larger products as well?
We can pull permits and produce 6’x4’ billboards by custom quote. Please contact us for more information.
Do I need to sign a contract for my signs?
No. Our signs are month to month unless otherwise discussed